International Prayer Summit


Dr. Peter Bonadie


Dr. Bonadie has ministered to over half a billion souls, preached over 60,000 messages, and delivered thousands of personal prophecies. 

The grace on his life has transformed individuals into an accurate and joyful relationship with Christ. His extraordinary understanding of the Kingdom of God equips the believer for high levels of management and productivity. His sharp prophetic gifting unveils the purposes of God to the hearers and bears a stern rebuke to enemy forces and careless living.

Dr Bonadie is a proud graduate of the West Indies School of theology. He also earned his PhD in Religious Philosophy. He is an A+ Certified Computer Technician and a Certified Nutritional Consultant.

 Dr. Bonadie is the CEO of: Kingdom Life Ministries International in Brooklyn New York, Peter Bonadie Worldwide Inc and Peter Bonadie Prayer Academy.  He is also a global leader and pulls together the largest prayer altar during the annual International Prayer Summit where thousands gather at the throne of God and miracles are seen before their eyes.

 Dr. Bonadie is a published author of over ten books. He leaves readers in an empowered position with a superb understanding on the subject matters discussed. Some tops sellers are, Understanding the Kingdom, Curses, Causes, and Cures, 7 Manifestations of the Curse, Altars to Thrones and 10 Habits That Block Success

 Dr Bonadie is a teacher and leader extraordinaire and delivers the word with masterful understanding from an uncommon perspective. As a result, many people find growth in faith and are inspired to take their life to the next level of productivity when they are exposed to his teaching.